Eden Optics - sectors
Eden Optics offers fibre optic cable services in these sectors:
- onshore/offshore
- renewable energy
- oil & gas
- sub-sea telecommunications
- data centres
- civils
Renewable energy
Windfarm installations include:
- Thornton Bank Phase 1; Phase 2; Phase 3, North Sea
- Global Tech 1 windfarm and sub-station, North Sea
- Gywn T Mor, Irish Sea
- Borkum West 2, North Sea
- Meerwind windfarm and sub-station, North Sea
- DanTysk windfarm and sub-station, North Sea
- Baltic 2, Baltic Sea
Cable loading projects:
- Norway for London Array: post-load out tests
- Harwich Docks: post-load out tests
- Belfast for Gywn T Mor: post-load out tests
Oil & gas
- Bayu Undan Phase 3 project, Timor Sea
- Clair Ridge platform, North Sea
Sub-sea telecommunications
- Celtix Connect project, Irish Sea
- Breagh Alpha gas platform, North Sea
- installing ducting and sub-ducting at Oasis Whinfell Forest (now Center Parcs), Cumbria